Lithgow Library Programming Policy

The Lithgow Public Library is committed to developing and providing programming that meets the needs and interests of the diverse community members of Augusta. A cultural, educational, and recreational focal point, the Lithgow Public Library offers programming for children, teens, and adults. All programming is organized and vetted by a committee led by librarians and library staff and is done within the limitations of budget and space. Criteria for hosting programs includes potential popularity, quality, and accuracy.

Programs may take place within or outside the library, or virtually. Program types include story times, lectures, workshops, discussion groups, performances, readings, book talks, demonstrations, and panel discussions. Programs may be presented by Library staff or volunteers, as well as paid presenters or performers.

The library may co-sponsor programming with other organizations, individuals, and educational institutions, capitalizing on their existing knowledge and expertise. Co-sponsored programs may take place within or outside the library. Publicity materials will be prepared by Library staff and will indicate the event co-sponsor.

Sales, entering into contracts, advertising, or promoting products or services, and exchanging money or other property of value are prohibited at programs. Book or music sales connected with a performance or lecture, and events sponsored by the Friends of Lithgow Library are exceptions.

Programs will be promoted through the library’s usual publicity outlets.

Maximum attendance limits may be set for some programs or workshops, with advance registration required. This will be indicated in the program’s advance publicity. Advance registrations will generally be accepted via telephone, in person, or on our website calendar.

In accordance with the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, no person’s right to attend a library program may be denied or abridged because of a disability, whether actual or perceived. Physical access to the library should also not be a barrier to library use. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), we will make sure there is seating available for anyone who needs accommodation.

The library reserves the right to cancel programs and will make every effort to notify the public in advance. Programs scheduled on a day when the library is closed due to inclement weather are automatically cancelled. Rescheduling is at the discretion of the library staff.

Library staff will collect statistics and regularly evaluate programs and services to make sure the needs of the library community are being met within staff and budget limitations.


Approved by the Board of Trustees of the Lithgow Library and Reading Room, 9/24/24